Sunday, November 27, 2011

Preparing the Way of the Lord this Advent

JMJT! Praise be Jesus Christ! Now and Forever!

Dear Ones-

It is hard to believe that the Advent season has commenced and we are in the final weeks of the calendar year. Of course, today marks the New Year for the Church as we begin to prepare for the Coming of Christ on Christmas.  Our hearts are to become cribs for Him to reside, our minds are to be filled with thoughts of Him, are hands and feet are to be following His light as we seek to make His Kingdom known and present here on earth among our fellow men.

One may wonder how these next four weeks of Advent are to become a time of reflection, penance, and fostering a deeper interior silence amidst the almost manic materialistic norms and preparations that so often eclipse spiritual preparations during this season in our culture today.  I would note that Advent used to be 40 days in length and was a time of penance similar to Lent. It was not about celebrating the birth of the Christ child now, but instead a time to prepare one's heart and soul through prayer and practices that lead to a more open soul in receiving Christ, His love, light, and truth. We seek a birth and rebirth in our souls, but must prepare for such an occurrence as evidenced by so many of our beloved saints. 

St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes wrote a beautiful letter just before the onset of Advent to her girlfriend, Herminia Valdes Ossa. (Carmelites are not allowed to write letters during Advent unless for serious reasons). The letter advises her on how to prepare during the season of Advent, which I wish to share with you today.

"Prepare yourself for the birth of Christ. Think every day, think of Jesus, who, though the eternal God, was born as a fragile Child. Though all-powerful, He was born poor with nowhere to go from the cold. He needed His Mother to live though He was Life itself. I'm sending you a list of things to prepare a set of baby clothes for Jesus; and, when you write, tell me if you did these things.

Little shirts to keep Him warm: Five acts of love a day and longings to receive Him in Communion. 'My Jesus, come to my poor heart, which wants to beat only for you.'

Little blankets to cover His tiny feet: Since He can't walk, you will go and do acts of charity to all, sacrificing yourself and setting aside your own comfort.

Swaddling bands to wrap around Him: Never grumble when they tell you to do something you don't like. Just do what they tell you.

Little cap: Study and do everything for Jesus, thinking of His love.

Crib: Don't sleep late in bed. Go to Mass and Communion.

Pieces of Straw: Do some little act, like giving up candy or eating what you don't like.

Do it all for love of Jesus.

What a beautiful starting point to this Advent season, if we set our wills to caring for the Christ Child and being mindful of Him throughout the day. When we prepare room for Him in our inn, He will come to lodge within us. May you have a prayerful Advent season ahead. Amen.